Basic APT Training Class
Course Overview and Intended Audience
This four and a half (4 1/2) day educational offering instructs the student to define geometric definitions, create an APT program to drive the defined geometry, and use logical statements and other advanced features. This course is intended for manufacturing engineers, NC programmers, machinists with some knowledge of computers, and middle managers.
Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are as follows:
- Program lathes and 3-axis mills
- Create repetitive routines using MACRO and LOOPING logic
- Learn the fundamentals of family-of-parts programs
The student should have a working knowledge of mathematics (i.e., algebra and trigonometry). Additionally, the student should have a machine shop background and understand basic machine shop fundamentals.
Course Materials
The student will be issued an APT manual and an APT Lathe Module programming manual. A variety of visual aids will also be provided.
Summary of Course Topics
- Introduction to the APT programming language
- Definitions for POINT, LINE, CIRCLE, and PLANE
- Tool conditions and tool directions
- MACRO definitions
- LOOPING logic
- COPY logic
- MATRIX logic and definitions
- APT Lathe Module